Dr. Mohamed Elhitamy

Specialization: Cosmetic surgeries and body shaping
Overall rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Years of experience: 10 years
Number of operations: 6000 Successful Surgeries

About Doctor

Dr. Mohamed El-Hetimi is a consultant in Plastic Surgery and Body Contouring, and a member of the Royal College of Surgeons in London. With extensive experience in the field of plastic surgery, he currently serves as a Plastic Surgeon at Weston Hospital in Liverpool. Additionally, Dr. El-Hetimi is a Visiting Physician at St. Joseph Hospital in Canada.throughout his career, Dr. El-Hetimi has improved the quality of life for numerous patients by performing a variety of successful cosmetic surgeries. He is known for utilizing the latest medical technologies and adhering to the highest standards of quality and safety. Dr. El-Hetimi continuously enhances his skills and knowledge by attending international medical conferences and participating in specialized workshops. Due to his extensive experience and commitment to delivering the best results, Dr. Mohamed El-Hetimi is considered one of the leading figures in the field of plastic surgery.

Skills and Experiences


Scientific Certificates

  • Member of the Royal College of Surgeons, London
  • Plastic Surgeon Weston Hospital/Liverpool
  • Visiting doctor at St. Joseph Hospital / Canada
  • Consultant in plastic surgery and body shaping

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