Dr. Mohamed Al-Sayed

Specialization: Cosmetic and dental treatment
Overall rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Years of experience: 15 years
Number of operations: 75000 Successful Surgeries

About Doctor

Dr. Mohamed is a prestigious name in the world of digital cosmetic treatment and orthodontics. He is a member of the American Society of Cosmetic Dentistry, the International Society of Digital Smile Design in Spain, the International Society of Digital Dentistry, the International Society of Microscopic Dentistry, and has been honored as a Global Digital Dentistry Practitioner of the Year five times by leading global companies. In addition, he shares his knowledge and experience with the New York Academy of Dentistry.

Skills and Experiences

Teeth whitening
Hollywood Smile
Gum sculpture
Dental implants
Fixed dental implants
Nerve fillings

Scientific Certificates

  • Member of the American Society of Cosmetic Dentistry
  • Member of the International Society for Digital Smile Delivery
  • Member in the International Society of Digital Dentistry
  • Member of the International Society for the Defense of Human Rights through Microscopy
  • Dental Diploma in Leeds College - England
  • Awarded the best international dental practitioner five times by the largest international companies
  • Publisher, New York Academy of Dentistry

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