Dr. Moaz Abdel Moati

Specialization: Cosmetic surgeries and body shaping
Overall rating: ★ ★ ★ ★ ★
Years of experience: 8 years
Number of operations: 5000 Successful Surgeries

About Doctor

Dr. Moaz Mahmoud Abdel Moati is an exceptional expert in body improvement and beauty, and specializes in plastic surgery and body shaping. Dr. Moaz has deep knowledge in the field of plastic surgery, offering advanced and innovative solutions to achieve beauty and perfect body shaping. He always focuses on achieving the highest levels of quality and safety in his medical care, which has earned him high satisfaction from his patients.

Skills and Experiences

Breast augmentation
Tummy tuck
Buttock augmentation
Arm lift

Scientific Certificates

  • Plastic surgery and body shaping specialist
  • teacher m. Plastic surgery and body shaping at the Faculty of Medicine
  • Dr. Doctorate in Plastic Surgery, Burns and Laser
  • Member of the Egyptian Society of Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons

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